Thursday, August 7, 2008

Count Down Complete!

Well, as the sign to the left says,"Countdown Complete". 
We took Chris to the Airport on Tuesday Morning and just this morning we received the official word that our missionary had arrived at the MTC and was settling in.  Can you even believe we had to wait so long for that word? Parents could go crazy waiting for that word... Anyway, please notice that we have updated his MTC address to the right.  He can only receive letters while in the MTC and they take about a week to arrive. It takes a .94 cent stamp. Be sure to sign up if you want us to forward on his emails.  We look forward to sharing his experiences with all of you.  Thanks for your love and support.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! I've been thinking about him, hoping all went well on the flight! We look forward to hearing all about his experiences. Take Care, We love you!!