This week Elder Clark and Elder Paim were able to bring three new members into the waters of Baptism, what a joy!!
This is Graca
She had to walk an hour to another church as theirs did not have water for the font

This is Rafael
Below is Rafaela
I don't know about you guys but I wonder if Chris' thumb will stay this way permanently!?!
Due to an unfortunate mix-up, the power at the elder's home was turned OFF~! They have been living for the past week with no electricity. No electricity means everything in the fridge went moldy, they have no access to music, and they have no fans to sleep with(that means it is hot, hot, hot. This is what Chris had to say about living without the electricity:
to be honest i am grateful for the chance to be without power, you have no idea how many people here LIVE without power, live without water! its a life completely different! but i will sure be glad when this ... wonderful experience is over and i can get back to my listening to EFY and sleeping with a FAN!!!!
But in true missionary style, they have found things to keep them entertained.....
I also thought I would show you the ward house where Chris is serving:
Elder Clark is having many wonderful experiences as he serves the Lord. Thank you all for your support and love.