well, first of all, hello to everybody,
The Bus we ride every day |
Well im here in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte Brasil!! I love it here in Natal, there are many beautiful sights to see and many people willing to accept the gospel. I am currently with my companion Elder L. Silva who by the way is the greatest companion that i have ever had
(and currently holds the record of baptising 21 people in just one week). We are with our hands full here in the Pirangi Ward. Unfortunatly where are church building is located we have to bring all of our investigators by use of Public Transportation.
So its hard to get lots of people excited to go to church when they have to spend like 8 bucks to go, and not to mention waking up early in the morning just to catch the bus. but even with all the problems and struggles, the work of the Lord continues onward. We are currently working with the family of MIKE, who is an american who married with a woman here from brazil, now he works managing the money in a company international here in Natal. Mike has already read the book of mormon cover to cover and this past week we heard him say "So if i know the Book of Mormon is true, then i know everything else is true too, right?" i responded "YES FINALLY, LETS BE BAPTISED TODAY!!!!" but my companion said to me, "Elder Clark, he has yet to visit the church", so we marked his baptism for next week, this week he will attend the Stake Conference and next week will be his baptism! which is great (i always wanted to baptise an american)... they dont come along easily.
The mission is going through many changes as President Fernandes will be leaving and President Hall will be arriving in the next transfer. Yesterday i was in the bustation welcoming the new elders that were arriving here in Natal, i was able to calm down the NOOBIES (new americans) also, helping them get something to eat and showing them around and explaining to them how their first day would be..... man i wish somebody had done this for me... but oh well. We live with elder Dzicovikz and elder Pujol, they are two guys from the south of brazil, they are super cool we all are getting along quite nicely.
baptism card |
So the other day i was walking down the street when a two men were coming in the opposite direction, one of the guys stopped us and asked "Your the Mormons right?" my companion said "Yeah thats us" and the guy asked "What do you guys do?" My companion responded "We help people to be baptised like jesus christ" and my companion pulled out or "BAPTISM CARD" Which contains the picture of jesus being baptised by john the baptist.. pictured here.
when my companion said those words the guy started screaming and shouting things like "You Cant go around changing what was writting by the prophets!! you cant change the baptism of Jesus Christ to match your religion, only the CATHOLIC CHURCH baptises correctly" So yeah, needless to say he left us there standing emotionless, wondering how we are going to respond, but he said "Dont even bother answering, i dont want to hear your lies..... BRAINWASHERS!" and before i knew it he had turned the corner and left me and my companion standing scratching our heads in the middle of the street. Later that day i saw a poster taped to a bus stop saying
THE TRUE BAPTISMS OF CHRIST with a picture somewhat like this one
The true baptism of christ |
So yeah, thats just one of the crazy spiritual things that has happened to me as a missionary. i think next week ill share another.... that is... if your lucky
love you all. i hope you all know that this is like your last chance to send letters, packages and... *cough* *cough*... Cash. Soon i will 21 as well here on the 22 of May, so yeah, should be a great month, full of baptisms, Miracles and experiences!
all my love
Elder Clark