Well, my last week on the mission was just as good as the first one, we were able to work a ton and god blessed us with success, we were lucky enough to find this family, Rosalia (mom), Krisnara and Esdras. The way this family was found happened like this, about 1 month ago Rosalia's son was killed in a motorcycle accident. At the time the missionaries were teaching her neighbor Socorro, Socorro is Rosalia's best friend, and she sent the missionaries over to her house to explain the Plan of Salvation to her, because she was so upset about everybody telling her that her son was in different places.. We taught her all the lessons and she was able to visit the church she told us that she felt a peace inside of her as she sat through the sacrament meeting. after 2 more weeks of teaching her she felt a strong desire to be baptized, i was lucky enough to be able to baptize this marvelous family my very last day on the mission! I have already called them and they were all Confirmed members of the church the following week, and super excited about their future in the church. Rosalia cannot wait to go to the temple for the first time! Here is a picture of their baptisms!!
Elder Brandelero, Krisnara, Esdras, Rosalia, ME |